When I grow up I wanna be...
Kom ihåg gårdagen, Lev idag, Dröm om framtiden...
I have no fucking idea! I am 20 years old my friends and I still dont know what I want to do with my life but do you know what... I dont really give a fuck either. I'll take everyday as it comes and just follow my own way. I think that people today are so conserned about the future that they forget to live in the moment. They spend all their life waiting for something good to happen to them and time just passes them by. I do not wanna become one of these person. I want to make everyday count. That's my goal my, to do something new everyday and to make every day a day to remember. To be honest I'm terrified of getting caught in that every day rythm...
Remember yesterday, Live today, Dream about the future...
sv: tack så mycket :)
sv: jaa :D!
- ah det är samma här !
svar: ja jätte läskigt!
tänk om hon/han ger sig på vårt hus nästa gång ;O